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Saturday, March 22, 2008 @ 12:04 PM
a day of intense laughing
hi guys!!!
havent been blogging for a very long time because nothing interesting is happening to me as usual and i cant blog about my "lovely work" because its highly confidential.
Anyway the past few weeks had been hell and sufferings. Seeing how both my mental state and physical state has taken a toll, i agreed to meet up with ben, bernard, jinyan, haosiang and waiyip for badminton yesterday. i think that tat would really be the best decision of the month because it really made my day. Badminton has always been our favorite sport since secondary school and if not for the ns we wouldnt really have stopped for that long. The practice was as usual filled with fun and laughter especially when u see how dots jinyan was totally bitchy about the Ins and Outs haha. and i guess its nice to see familiar faces and catch up with everyone once in awhile. IT was short but i felt rejunvenated and fresh after playing for the mere 2 hours.

After that came the highlight of the Good Friday. haha we went to Minds Cafe over at Dhoby Ghaut there near paradiz and played for like 2 hrs. Obviously the game was Im the Boss. Haha i tell you this game is so damn fun if you do visit minds cafe you really should pick it off the shelf. You must be vvvv bitchy to play it damn well.. so basically i was clearly losing because when i made my 1st 2million deal, the rest of the bitchy players already got like 10m like omgz so i realise i shld change my tactics. i started using [i'm the boss] cards in large deals to secure myself some part of the deal money when i have no investors to contribute.. haha how cheapskate of me. but i think the best part was still when i recruited the only investor bernard has and i told e devil (waiyip coz he was so rich then) that u muz protect me if i steal bernard's bitch HAHA tat was like so backstabbing and you really shld see bernards face like he caN REALLY kill somebody HAH but in the end that bitch hs recruited both my bitch and bernards bitch with 6 recruitment boys like omgzzzz totally exciting stuff! In the end haosiang won the game lar bitch coz hes so quiet and planning to get back to us

the next game was like taboo vvvv funny also some of the golden dialogs

bernard: TOP MODEL!!(confident)
hs: NONO, ___ MODEL... eh who wears red underwear??? (trying to imply superman)
bernard: huh wad wad?????
diao... the ans is supermodel -_-"""

js: Kelvin wears a WAD????
everybody including benyap: WAT????? HUH??????
ans: Mini Skirt... -__-"""""""""""""""

benyap: you wear a watch around your?
jinyan: Waist!!!!


haha tat really made my friday T.T Alright im booking in now... i hope all these torment will soon end!!! T.T take care everybody and enjoy your long weekend!!!!
Seeya and god bless!!!!

its yw signing out!!!

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