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Sunday, March 05, 2006 @ 9:16 AM
Shopping- a Necessity or a Luxurous affair

I believe many Singaporeans love to shop
But the question is, is shopping really necessary

Necessary as defined by the dictionary: absolutely essential
Quoting from Bernard: Shopping is necessary! I need to buy moisturizers…
This is NOT essential at all. You skin will not degenerate if you do not use moisturizers. Food on the other hand is indispensable. You cant survive w.out food. ^_^ so moisturizers are absolutely non essential and you can live without.

(You see, many Singaporeans just have that everlasting burning passion to shop. So why are they doing that. I can only come up with some possible reasons

1) it’s a form of cheap thrill and self satisfaction.
2) Too much disposable income ( rather pocket money. So parents. Beware! Ur child might be overspending for all you know )
3) Its an addiction. Like heroine ice and estacys once tried hard to stop.

So, what do I think about shopping

In my dictionary, I classify shopping under 2 categories. One- shopping with objective and Two- window shopping(with absolutely no intention or whatsoever to buy any goods)
So basically the latter is just a mere waste of precious time. By popping yourself occasionally into shops along orchard road and not purchasing any goods from them can annoy the shop owners. In addition, women, one of the strangest and hardest-to-understand creatures on earth are mostly the victims of being addicted to shopping. What they buy?? Yes! More Shoes, More Bags, More Comestics and MOOOOORE CLOOOOOTHES.. (notice the word More is kinda emphasized)Like totally Ownage for them. I bet the shoes bags, comestics and clothes they have during their teenage years are already enough to last them a life time. (not to mention perhaps they cant wear when they are older? Lolx)
But still, the point im tryin to make is, some people are just over doing things.
In economics terms, it’s a waste of resources.

In today’s context, the term ‘shopping’ doesn’t actually quite require the shopper, U, to be physically present in any shopping malls. In fact e-shopping has become quite popular nowadays. Within clicks and mere punching of numbers will cause a thinning effect to your wealth. See the reason why Singaporeans are believed to possess strong spending powers. Shopping might just be that little puny fraction of where the income usually goes. Not to mention, entertainment like movies, blah blah blah

alrihgt i'll end here! do comment k!!! sorry if i hadnt written something interesting... coz im learning how to discuss some issues. haha.
1st entry for my revamped blog!

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